This is a book about Truth – and all the ingenious ways throughout history that we’ve managed to avoid it.
We live in a ‘post-truth’ age, we’re told. The US has a president who openly lies on a daily basis (or who doesn’t even know what’s true, and doesn’t care). The internet has turned our everyday lives into a misinformation battleground. People don’t trust experts any more.
But was there ever really a golden age of truth-telling? As a professional fact checker, Tom Phillips deals with complete bollocks every day. Here, he tells the story of how we humans have spent history lying to each other – and ourselves – and asks an important question: how can humanity move towards a truthier future?
Where to buy
🇬🇧 Buy from Amazon | WHSmith | Foyles | Waterstones
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🔊 Audiobook read by Tom Phillips available from Audible | Kobo
Praise for Humans:
“Phillips is hilarious and breezily readable, but he knows his sh*t, and his book is backed by mountains of research” – Los Angeles Review of Books
“It’s hard to imagine someone other than Phillips pulling off a 250-plus page roast of mankind, but his perfect blend of brilliance and goofiness makes it a joy to read” – BuzzFeed News
“F*cking brilliant” – Sarah Knight
“Very funny” – Mark Watson
“Tom Phillips is a very clever, very funny man” – Greg Jenner
“This book is brilliant. Utterly utterly brilliant. Apart from the epilogue which is idiotic.” – Jeremy Clarkson